Nigeria to boost pharmaceutical research and production with EU support

Nigeria to boost pharmaceutical research and production with EU support
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By Babagana Jidda Kanempress News
13th April 2024

The European Union and Nigeria have signed a cooperation agreement on an €18 million EU support to enhance research and development capacities for implementing national plan for the pharmaceutical industry and local production of vaccines and medical technologies.

The European Commissioner for International Partnerships, Ms. Jutta Urpilainen, and the Permanent Secretary of Nigeria’s Federal Ministry of Education, Ms. Didi Walson-Jack, jointly signed the agreement at the EU Global Gateway High-Level Event on Education held in Brussels.

The new collaboration underscores the EU’s strong commitment to education and health equity, ” Commissioner Urpilainen says.

The European Union’s MAV+ initiative is investing in Nigeria’s pharmaceutical industry to create a better overall environment for it to thrive.

This will be achieved by focusing on several key areas, such as: building skills through education and training programs, encouraging innovation with research in AI, nanotechnology and more and digitizing key areas for a smoother industry, amongst others.

Commissioner Urpilainen unveiled the Africa-Europe Youth Academy, a cornerstone of the Youth Action Plan.

This program offers young people from both continents opportunities for learning and exchange, fostering leadership and cross-continental networks.


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